Saturday, December 8, 2007

Life Teachers

I am your 1st teacher. I am highly spoken of throughout the book of Proverbs in the Bible. Those who heed me are wise, but a fool turns me away. I am gentle and kind; I TELL the way. Give me a child eager to learn, and my handiwork shall emerge in days to come.
I wear the face of Gentleness.
My tool is Words.
The fruit I bear is called is a GIFT.
My name is INSTRUCTION. LISTEN and learn.

I am your 2nd teacher. I am the possessor of courage. Appreciation belongs to me, for I am put to the test for YOUR sake. I SHOW the way and my actions speak louder than words. Others benefit from my labors, which is MY reward, for selfishness is not my portion.
I wear the fact of Courage.
My tool is Action.
The fruit I bear is called is a GIFT.
My name is EXAMPLE. LOOK and learn.

I am your 3rd and FINAL teacher. It is freely said of me that I am the best teacher; yet I am a hard, and sometimes, FATAL one. To be charitable is foreign to me, for I exact a high toll from all my pupils. I SUFFER the way. Prepare now your face for sorrow--for knowing me costs many tears.
I wear the face of Hardness.
My tool is PAIN.
The fruit I bear is called is a GIFT.
My name is EXPERIENCE. LIVE and learn.

LIFE STORY (a summation of this lesson)

INSTRUCTION spoke gently
I heeded her not
Young and foolish
I soon...forgot

EXAMPLE uncovered
Her courageous face
I failed to fill
that emptied place

EXPERIENCE--hard, cruel...MEAN!
Thrashed me soundly, left me lean
I wept, for lessons previously taught
So SORRY NOW, they went for naught.

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